Introduction to Woodcut Course
1 day course – 10.30am – 5.30pm
This one day course will offer you the chance to learn the method of
Woodcut Printing from Jonathan Ashworth, a professional artist providing
enthusiastic tuition and advice at a high technical Level. Using high
quality cutting tools, beautiful rollers and sumptuous oil based inks,
this is a class for those that enjoy the physicality of materials.
This course will introduce students to materials, cutting techniques, the
production of a multi-layered image, and the use of different inks.
Further course details can be find here. Please contact the studio on 0208 969 3247 or use the contact form below.
Next available dates:
Friday 20th March 2020 3 Places left!
Friday 26th June 2020
Price: £128.00 (£106.00 concessions* see details below) Including basic materials.

Linocut Reduction
Relief printing is one of the oldest printmaking traditions in which an image is carved into flat surface (typically wood). The uncarved areas (surface) are rolled with ink to print the image. Using linoleum (a softer material to carve), this course will explore creating a multi-coloured image using only one block or printing surface, which is alternately carved and printed repeatedly.
Each participant will work on their own 20 x 30cm image (1 image) and will produce a small edition using three colours. We will develop the image on the morning of the first day and work on the block and print over both days.
Skills you will learn on the course:
- Planning a reduction linocut image (colour separation)
- Registering a three-colour reduction print
- Cutting lino, exploring a range of mark possibilities
- Printing a linocut block
- Printing colour layer two and three into the same sheet of paper with correct registration
There are 6 spaces available on this course, which are booked on a first-come first-served basis. Please contact the studio on 0208 969 3247 to book or use the contact form below.
Next available dates:

Introduction to Wood Engraving Course
2 day course – 10.30am – 5.30pm
Jonathan Ashworth returns to londonprintstudio to teach this beautiful and intricate skill. The use of different wood engraving tools will be explained and demystified as will that of sharpening, transferring the image to the printing block and the subtleties of printing.
Wood engraving is a relief form of printmaking. It is usually done on the end grain of a block of boxwood, which is very hard, and so extremely fine detail is possible.
It became widely used in the 19th century as a method of reproducing pictures in books, newspapers and journals before the invention of photo-mechanical methods of reproduction, but was also occasionally used by artists, such as Edward Calvert, as an original printmaking medium.
During this two day workshop the work of many different artists who have worked using the techniques of wood engraving will be presented, in order that each student can find an affinity with a particular maker and an inspiration for their work during the workshop and beyond.
Further course details can be found here.
Next available dates:
Price: £189.00 (£151.00 concessions* see details below) Including basic materials.
* Details of concessions
*Concessions are available to the following: Studio Members, unemployed, under 25′s, full time students, graduates of less than 2 years, senior citizens and disabled people. (proof of concession is